Friday, 26 April 2013

All about Me and my Blog! ;)

Dear readers,

See, here’s the thing: this blog isn't about me. It’s about sharing views, highlighting interests, hauls, tips knowledge share, all of which are pretty interesting topics in their own right. 

Will it work? I think so. Is that a good thing? I’m not so sure.

Practically speaking, yes! On a more philosophical point, however, this blog is me. It’s my voice, on one hand, and my beliefs on another. 

Let’s get this show on the road, shall we???

My birthday (14 Nov) I've been very concerned about revealing my age, since I figured being young(ish) might distract the readers from the ideas championed on this blog. Who knows? Maybe the response to this post will prove me right. I’m expecting it won’t, though, and also anticipating at least one comment that says “Who the hell cares?”

Las Vegas is one of my favorite cities in the world. 

My favorite movie is Pursuit of Happiness & Twilight Series

Speaking of writing, I used to have some pretty wild goals. I figured I’d have my goal orientation was different. I am not perfect but what’s wrong in expressing!!!

I can speak English, Nepali and Hindi fluently (apart from English). I am horrible at understanding native speakers, though! :P

Music? I love it. There are exceptions, of course, but I dig a lot of the music that the world generally agrees is classy. I’m not saying it isn’t classy, but if it makes me travel to a different world, I just might love it forever.

I love comments. I do. More than I should, honestly, and more than is probably healthy for a blogger. I understand why so many bloggers are closing their comment sections, but I’m not sure I like the idea of speaking to a silent audience. The idea that someone — someone I don’t even know — took their time to respond to something I wrote is just a huge thrill for me, and I honestly don’t know if that’ll change if/when I start seeing more negativity and criticism pop up in the comment section.

I’m married. That’s not really relevant, I guess, but I’m sure most of you didn’t know that (or even care!), so there you are.

I’m scared of death. I don’t really know what else to say about that. I don’t think I can accept the idea of not being alive — of not knowing that the world is going to continue to change without me. I realize, er, that’s a bit morbid, but the thought has been weighing on my mind a lot recently.

I know exactly why, too: I’m worried that I’ll somehow pass away without making a difference in the world. This is one of those situations, though, where my fear is driving me forward, where it’s pushing me to take my destiny in my own hands and make it as meaningful as possible. That’s a good thing, I think.

I’m a big baby. Yeah. It’s true. I wrote a post about it, actually, where I admitted that I tend to get emotional at the strangest things. Music and movies is one of them. 

I believe in change. I don’t care who you are or what your situation is: if you’re unhappy, change it. There’s always a way, if you’re willing to look for it, and I — and so many other people — would be happy to help.

Hello, world. This is me. If you like my blog, please feel free to subscribe,send me an email, friend me on Facebook or LinkedIn

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